New technologies, minority languages and linguistic diversity
Wednesday, May 12 2021
10:00 13:00 CET
In this event, experts will discuss the challenges faced by minority languages in the current context of new digital environments and multilingualism in the classroom.
A demonstration will also be given of BabelAR, our new multilingual game, and the first experiences with its application in the classroom.
You can (re-)watch the Multiplier Event “New technologies, minority languages and linguistic diversity” below:
Moderator: Sally Reynolds, ATiT
Each talk will be followed by a discussion round when questions from the audience can be put to our speakers
10:00 Welcome
Welcome and Introduction to VirtulApp by Cor van der Meer, Mercator European Research Centre/Fryske Akademy
- Websites/Articles mentioned:
Explanation about The context of this multiplier event by Jasone Cenoz, University of the Basque Country
10:30 Learning content through English in Primary Education: Let’s analyze some texts
Learning content through English in Primary Education: Let’s analyze some texts by Amaia Aguirregoitia & Itziar Gonzalez-Dios, University of the Basque Country
- Websites/Articles mentioned:
- Contact:
- amaia.aguirregoitia @
- itziar.gonzalezd @
- kepa.bengoetxea @
- MultiAzterTest
- Universal Dependencies
- Open Multilingual Wordnet
- Aguirregoitia Martinez, A., Bengoetxea Kortazar, K., & Gonzalez-Dios, I. (2020). Are CLIL texts too complicated? A computational analysis of their linguistic characteristics. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education.
- Contact:
11:00 How to survive in the digital environment: next steps for the Basque language
How to survive in the digital environment: next steps for the Basque language by Maite Goñi, University of Mondragon
- Websites/articles mentioned:
- contact: maitegoni @ euskaljakintza
11.30 Screen break
11:45 From immersion programs to a plurilingual model. The Catalan case
From immersion programs to a plurilingual model. The Catalan case by Mònica Pereña, Department of Education, Government of Catalonia
- websites/articles mentioned:
- contact: mperena @
- The language model of the Catalan education system: Language learning and use in a multilingual and multicultural educational environment
- Educational plans of Catalan government (Catalan or Spanish)
12:15 AR-game BabelAR
AR-game BabelAR by Wim Forceville & Thomas Meynen, Luca School of Arts
- websites/articles mentioned:
12.45 Wrapping up & reflection
Wrapping up & reflection by Durk Gorter, University of the Basque Country