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Virtual Language App

Fryske Akademy and Mercator European Research Centre

The Fryske Akademy (FA) is the scientific centre for research and education concerning the Dutch province of Fryslân and its people, language and culture. The FA is home to the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (in short: Mercator).

Mercator will be the department carrying out the project activities in close cooperation with colleagues from other departments of the FA. The mission of Mercator is the acquisition and inventory, research and study, dissemination and application of knowledge in the field of language learning at school, at home and through cultural participation. Its work is mostly focused on the regional and minority language is Europe, but immigrant languages and smaller state languages are also topic of study.


ATiT is an audio-visual and information technologies company specialising in the integration of Information and Communications Technologies in the Educational and Cultural sectors. ATIT is based in Belgium and operates with a small full-time staff and a network of associates in different parts of Europe. ATIT has been involved in the design of pedagogical scenarios and has managed several pilot actions related to the use of media in schools in different parts of Europe. They are experienced in all types of communication and dissemination actions that includes the use of both traditional and social media based channels and regularly provide dissemination and communication services to several European initiatives as well as organisations.

Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is founded in 1592 and is the oldest and highest ranked university in Ireland. TCD is one of the world’s leading research-intensive universities, with a holistic outlook encompassing all major academic disciplines. The Centre for Language and Communication Studies is a centre of research in linguistics, applied linguistics, phonetics and speech science, computational linguistics and natural language processing. The core research of its research is the scientific investigation of language, speech and communication.

University of the Basque Country

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is a teaching and research institution. The Donostia Research group in Education And Multilingualism does research on multilingual education, European minority languages and linguistic landscapes.

LUCA School of Arts

LUCA School of Arts offers more than 30 programmes in Audiovisual Arts & Techniques, Interior Design & Construction, Music & Drama and Visual Arts & Design. LUCA works with many partners in Belgium and abroad and employs a team of renowned practicing artists, designers and researchers. They offer innovative and authentic advise and solutions in the area of interior design, construction technology, visual design, photography, film and video.