Dr. Susanna Nocchi
Susanna Nocchi is a Lecturer in Italian at Technological University Dublin and an author of books for students of Italian as a Foreign Language (FL). Her research interests lie in Computer Assisted Language Learning, particularly in FL teaching and learning in 3D virtual environments. Her most recent research has focused on the development of digital literacies for FL learning and on the affordances of audiovisual translation for FL learning. Susanna Nocchi is the current President of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics and the current co-chair of the EuroCALL Special Interest Group in Virtual Worlds and Serious Games.

Dr. Daniel Cunliffe
Daniel Cunliffe is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Mathematics at the University of South Wales. His research applies perspectives and methods from human-computer interaction, computer-mediated communication and user experience design to the study of minority language use in information and communications technology. His most recent work examines the market for Welsh language mobile applications. He has been a member of the Welsh Government’s Welsh Language Technology Board since 2012 and was involved in the creation of the Welsh Government’s ‘Welsh Language Technology Action Plan’ in 2018. He is Editor-in-Chief of the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia.

Dr. Charlotte Wolff
Dr. Charlotte E. Wolff has an interdisciplinary background in Linguistics, Education, and Anthropology, combined with many years of experience working with refugees and teaching in urban classrooms. In 2016, she completed her doctoral degree at the Open University of the Netherlands in Educational Sciences and her dissertation, Revisiting ‘withitness’: Differences in teachers’ representations, perceptions and interpretations of classroom management, won the VOR/VFO Educational Research prize for best dissertation in 2016. Her research is characterized by a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative methods – such as grounded theory and thematic content analysis – with quantitative measures – such as those derived from textometry and eye tracking measurements – to balance the depth and rigor of qualitative insights with the inferential power of explorative and quasi-experimental designs. Her current teaching responsibilities as assistant professor at the University of Iceland primarily involve preparing future teachers for the challenges of language education in increasingly multilingual contexts. This is linked to her strong theoretical and practical interest in pedagogy and educational equity. Her international profile includes publications in the Journal of Teacher Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Instructional Science, and draws upon a network of researchers, teacher educators, and classroom teachers in Europe and North America. Her supervisory experience includes individual and collaborative supervision of bachelor, master, and doctoral level students.

Prof. Jannis Androutsopoulos
Jannis Androutsopoulos is professor in German and media linguistics at the University of Hamburg and from 2016-2021 adjunct professor at MultiLing Centre of Excellence, University of Oslo. His research sits at the interface of sociolinguistics and media discourse and explores linguistic heterogeneity and stylistic practice with a focus on the relationship between interaction and technology and the dynamics of sociolinguistic change. He is co-editor of Register des Graphischen (2020) and guest editor of Digital language and literacies: practices, awareness, and pedagogy (Special Issue, Linguistic & Education, 2020).